Our Work

Maddock, ND

Shoulder Widening, Grading and Hot Bituminous Paving


Cost: $11,550,831

Mayo Construction was the low bidder for the North Dakota Department of Transportation’s job to pave ND Highway 30 from Maddock south to ND Highway 15 in Benson and Wells Counties. As the prime contractor, Mayo Construction was responsible for providing all traffic control, supervision and coordination during construction of the project, which required more than 77,000 tons of asphalt mix. Fargo-based 3D Specialties provided all of the traffic control devices and installed permanent signage and mailboxes along the project route. We subcontracted Close Construction of Milton to perform shoulder widening, grading, base and subcut work.

This job did present unique challenges due to the area’s water issues. In addition to laying 114,000 feet – over 21 miles – of fiber rolls to prevent erosion and siltation of excessive bodies of water along the job site, Mayo subcontracted Monster Lawn & Hydroseeding of Devils Lake to perform erosion control. The local company seeded and mulched a total of 180 acres along the right of way of ND Highway 30 to protect the environment during construction. With the help of local contractors, we were able to successfully complete the project despite the challenges.